2018 Montana Senior Shootout

This is probably one of the most anticipated blog posts EVER! It is one of the top things I get asked if I was going to blog about & I am finally getting around to it!!!

The 2018 Senior Shootout was definitely a success!!! Over thirty 2018 seniors (and one adorable puppy) from across the Hi-Line showed up to eat ice cream from the Havre Ice Cream Truck, listen to some tunes by DJ TJ (totally just gave him that DJ name, it just sounded too perfect), and take some pretty fabulous pictures with their best friends, classmates and some perfectly good strangers too! I hope by the time they all drove away they were friends – that’s the goal after all – to spread kindness and friendship!

I got the idea of doing a Senior Shootout after the huge disappointment that the Dreamteam was not returning to Merry Character Photography (& sorry folks, as of right now the 2019 Dreamteam is still out of commission). I love connecting with my seniors outside of their senior session. I truly think they are all the coolest cats around & they keep me young by letting me hang out with them! So I rounded up 20 balloons from Gary and Leos IGA, picked up my trusty assistant Bri, and we headed out to capture some senior cuteness! Even though the Hi-Line breeze whipped our 20 balloons into one super tangled mess, we still had a pretty awesome background thanks to the ice cream truck, who happens to be driven by a 2018 Senior!! 

I know you are ready to see the pictures but don’t start scrolling just yet! If you were one of those 2018 Seniors present – even if you are not a Merry Senior – send me a message and I will give you direct access to all the Shootout images where you will be able to download and print and share!!!! Also, if you are a part of the 2019 class, I want to hear from you. Tell me what will make your senior year epic when it comes to Merry Character Photography! 😀

Okay, now onto the cuteness:




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