Word of the Year


I’ve never been someone who was very good at setting and keeping goals. The main reason I never was able to keep them because they were really easy goals or really superficial goals. This year I have some big things I want to accomplish + planning for them was really daunting to me! I invested in Lara Casey’s Cultivate What Matters intentional goal planner to help guide me through the steps of my year goals. One of the things I didn’t expect to do was set a word of the year. I have seen people over the years sharing about their own word of the year and I always thought “That’s neat, but it wouldn’t work for me”. I think I was really in the mindset of being okay where I was and didn’t feel the need to really change or push my year to be intentional.

After working through the beginning parts of the Cultivate planner I really found a word that is going to work for me. Over and over again this word kept popping up. I was writing it a ton, I was explaining my goals to Evan with this word and when I thought about December 31st, 2019 I knew I wanted to reflect on the year with purpose.

My word of the year is: P U R P O S E

I want to spend this year working really hard towards creating purpose behind my actions. I want to spend my time with Isla in a way that is purposeful to her and myself. When I am with my family I want to be putting all my energy into them and not worrying about anything. When I have my few working hours during nap times I want to get down to business and purposefully work so I can give in other areas of my life without worrying.

We are 24 days into 2019 already. I set this word on January 3rd for my year and honestly?  I haven’t been great about it. I worked through my Cultivate workbook again and really honed into shaping what I want just the rest of this month to look like. What kind of goals and PURPOSEFUL actions can I make in the next week that will make a difference. I am going to start there and take it day by day.

I encourage you if you are not goal oriented or goal motivated like me to write down some things you would like to see your self achieve by December 31st, 2019. They do not have to be huge, they could be simple or meaningful just to you. Then see what you can do in your every day life to help you achieve that by the end of the year. Small steps toward a bigger PURPOSE.

Here are a few little things I am aiming to do + would love to have someone join me:

  • Drink half my body weight in water every day!
    • Steps to help me do this? I download an app called “Drink Water Reminder” that reminds me to drink water every 45 minutes.
  • Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than I normally would and read
    • Steps to help me do this? I set up Bedtime on my iPhone. It automatically notifies me to go to bed and puts my phone on do not disturb.
  • Spend screen free time with Isla
    • Steps? After her morning nap, I leave my phone and apple watch upstairs plugged in. I spend at least one hour with her (I aim for two) just the two of us!

See? They don’t have to be huge goals like “lose 50 pounds” but if something like that IS a goal of yours, use smaller goals to help you achieve it such as, go to the gym 4x a week. Meal prep on Sundays. Drink water! The smaller goals will help you reach the bigger goal without overwhelming you!

I would love to help cheer you on and help you reach your goals! Share with me your word of the year and/or one goal you hope to achieve by December 31st, 2019!


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